Dear young girls,
When I was growing up I was taught that I was not to wear lipstick too red or dresses too short. I was taught that I needed to be loved by a boy in order to love myself. I was taught that if I didn’t make all A’s then I wasn’t smart enough. I was taught that I needed to be pretty and nice in order to make boys like me.
Well, I want you to be taught differently. I want every young girl to love who they are. Wear your cute skirt and red lipstick, try your hardest at school, but not to a point where you feel stupid. Be rough, snarky, you don’t owe boys anything. And, if they think you owe them something tell them to screw off. You are intelligent, you are beautiful, you are one of a kind. You have such a world in front of you. You have a future with endless possibilities. You can be an engineer, a poet, a teacher, a scientist, a lawyer. There is nothing stopping you from being who you want to be. So many people will try and hold you down but you’re stronger than that.
So, take a good look at yourself in the mirror, stand tall, smile. You’re going to grow into such a strong, beautiful woman. Men will try to hold you down, make you feel like you owe them things sometimes. But you don’t. Your friends will try and hold you down, you don’t owe them anything either. The only person you owe anything to is yourself. Be yourself, know you can do it. It doesn’t matter what age, race, sexuality you are, or religion you follow. You can’t do whatever you set your mind to, and whatever you try hard enough to be. Do your best to look out for other girls, they’re in the same battle you are. Stick up for your sisters, they’d do the same for you. Girls can do whatever boys can. Give yourself power, give yourself love.
From, a girl who wishes I was told this when I was younger.
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