Senate Republicans are progressing with their plan of repealing the Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare. ObamaCare was established to ensure Americans with affordable healthcare, it had several benefits for American citizens. With the recent news of the efforts to dismantle this healthcare reform law, many Americans are in agony.
One thing the Republicans need to understand is that many Americans NEED this health insurance. This health insurance is very significant to them and without it they are in great danger. Republicans are failing to recognize just how tough some one’s financial situation might be. The health of someone who is the CEO at a high class company is just as important as someone who works a minimum-wage job. However, by repealing ObamaCare it will become harder for those working minimum-wage jobs to acquire health insurance. Many Americans have a great financial burden on them, taking away ObamaCare would only strengthen the burden… something that is unnecessary.
They need to think with their heart, not with their political stance.
Many citizens are unable to get healthcare because they have a pre-existing condition, such as Diabetes. Another factor that makes it difficult for citizens to get healthcare is that they just can’t afford it. Health insurance isn’t cheap in any shape or form. The same citizens who can’t afford health insurance are over-qualified for Medicaid, which is health care program that helps low income families pay for medical expenses. This is why the nation needs ObamaCare, they need it to live a comfortable life.
ObamaCare was a great help to many Americans, taking it away will only hurt the nation. As a nation, we NEED to stand up and be heard. The fact that it has come down to the fact that they can just take away health insurance without the approval of citizens is scary. We can’t allow for these Republicans to take away United States Citizens’ health insurance without their permission. Something must be done, we must fight for our health. This is OUR country, let’s make it our own and show the Republicans that they we won’t allow them to make us suffer like this.