All this time you thought we were above Trump. You could see through his lies, his cheating and his propaganda. But you’ve been buying into his biggest deception all along. You’ve been so enraged by his chants of ‘Build that wall!’, referring to the stack of bricks he promises to lay across the entirety of the U.S – Mexico border, that you’ve campaigned against it, you’ve sobbed over the sheer irony of Trump being elected on the same date that saw the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, cursing his name.
But you were tricked. We were all tricked. You know who first approved the construction of the wall? Bill Clinton. And you know who voted in favor of it time and time again? Hillary Clinton. In 1996, President Bill Clinton promised to increase border controls by fifty percent, and part of this commitment entailed the beginnings of a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico. After this, the majority of its 700 miles was built by the Department of Homeland Security after the Secure Fence Act of 2006 was passed. This bill was introduced by Republicans, and Hillary, along with 26 other Democrats, voted in favor of it. She admits this herself saying “I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in”.
So why am I sharing this with you? Am I trying to convince you that Trump’s not that bad after all? That another Clinton presidency would have been just as bad? No, of course not. I’m trying to show you one thing:
President Donald Trump has more people in the palm of his hand than are aware of it.
He is relishing in the credit he is getting for the idea of a border wall, when really he just wants to fill in the gaps where it hasn’t been built yet. He bathes in our fury every time he so far as mentions it. And he roped in a whole lot of voters by selling them something that, as it turns out, was not all that radical of a proposal after all.
Pay attention. Pay close attention. Most of what Trump says isn’t revolutionary. The foundation of all his concerns is understandable. Is it important to control America’s border? Sure. Is it a good idea to make America’s healthcare system as efficient as it can possibly be? Why not. The issue is that Trump ties these ideas hand-in-hand with bigoted rhetoric and inflammatory politics. He wants you to believe that he’s as bad as he makes himself out to be (which to be fair, most of the time he is). He wants you to buy the lies too, even if it means you absolutely detest him. He wants a divided America, and without realizing it, we are handing it to him on a silver platter.
A suggestion: let’s not give him what he wants. Let’s do our absolute best to stay as informed as possible and find as much truth as we can. Let’s pledge to see beyond the toupee and the Cheeto dust. That stuff’s all chemicals and food coloring, anyway.