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4 Things You Can Do To Help Victims of The Muslim Ban

On Jan. 27, President Donald Trump announced that he was implementing an indefinite ban on persons from certain Muslim countries  –  Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Yemen – from entering the U.S. I know that it’s easy to fall into the vacuum of feeling helpless in situations like these, but that’s simply not the case.  In response to this sheer discrimination and hatred, there are a few things you can do:

1. Protest

Impromptu protests against the ban have been occurring at airports around America since yesterday in support of those that are unable to return home. Tomorrow (Jan. 30) a protest has been organized for outside of 10 Downing Street at 6 PM U.K. time.

More information can be found HERE 

2. Donate

The ACLU ( the American Civil Liberties Union) fight for the rights of the LGBT+ community, women, and immigrants. If you can, every donation to this organization doing good things will make a difference. Celebrities such as Sia have set an example by pledging to match every donation (up to $100 000)


Donations to ACLU can be made HERE


CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) are also fighting for Muslims and, again, every donation will make a huge difference. Many are pledging to match donations. Grimes matched up to $10 000 and many other influencers are pledging to as well.

Donations to CAIR can be made HERE

Screenshots can be sent to the following people and more (a quick twitter search should help find others) so that your amount can be matched.


3. Support

Sometimes, just offering mere support and being there for the affected can help a lot.

A sheet for those who may be affected by the ban can be found HERE.

Airbnb is offering free accommodation to those affected by the ban. More information can be found HERE.

Free accommodation for those stranded in British airports can be found HERE.


4. Talk

Talk, shout, scream and tweet the things mentioned in this article (even share the article) to let as many people as possible know what to do to help or to allow them to find help. Remember that every little thing you do can help and finally – remember to share the love.

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