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Thank God for Andy Borowitz

I don’t know about you, but when I’m incredibly distraught or speechless, I tend to crack jokes and find the humor in the situation, and in the short time that Donald Trump has held office, he’s already hit us with a flood of executive orders that cross off many of his more atrocious campaign promises- including the wall and the Muslim Ban. It’s genuinely terrifying because it seems that the tried and true checks and balance system has finally fallen. Many Trump supporters have turned their backs on the president, in less than two weeks into his presidency and Donald already has under a 50% approval rating, the first time it’s happened since the poll was established under Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1953.

In this time of chaos and disarray, where we try to make sense of Donald’s senseless acts, The New Yorker has been published six satire pieces by Andy Borowitz.

The pieces are smart and witty, provoking laughs as Borowitz captures the pettiness and impulsiveness that the Trump Administration has shown since before the beginning of the election.

With titles like Trump Enraged as Mexican President Meets With Meryl Streep Instead, Trump Creates Ten Million Jobs for Fact Checkersand Scientists Baffled by McConnell and Ryan’s Ability to Stand Upright Without a Spine, Borowitz walks the line of too far but never fails to hit the nail on the head. It’s funny without losing sight of the dark times we’re in. The column, The Borowitz Report, sports the tag line “not the news” but you almost wish it was because it’s much less frightening than our reality.

Follow Andy Borowitz on Twitter: @BorowitzReport

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