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Body Hair And Why You Shouldn’t Be Ashamed Of It

Newsflash everyone: people grow hair. Women grow hair as well, and they grow it everywhere just as men do. Legs, armpits, stomach, arms, chest; you name it, it’s there. It’s no surprise that women are the ones that get pressured by society to get rid of all this hair because it’s seen as “unladylike” or “dirty”, even as if a woman having body hair means she’s not taking care of herself properly.

Let me break it down for you: our body has evolved in a way that, as time went on, it’s gotten rid of everything that became irrelevant or wasn’t useful anymore to our system (hence some people being born without wisdom teeth). But guess what, hair wasn’t one of those things.

One would think that, by now, women’s bodies would’ve gotten the memo and body hair from the eyelashes down would be something of the past, yet it hasn’t happened. I can’t exactly tell you why anyone grows body hair, but I can tell you it’s a completely natural process.

For some reason, the idea of hair has somehow become connected to masculinity and being a macho or whatever. Women are to stay pure, clean, and delicate, and God forbid if any of them forgot to shave her legs yesterday.

I think that’s absoluty ridiculous. I feel as though hair has become yet another standard people have to meet in order to check another item on the “You Have Followed Society’s Rules Today” list. Some guys like to wax and shave everything, that’s great! Some women prefer to be hairy and do nothing about their body hair, that’s amazing! I think this is an appropriate time to say that it’s also pretty rude to make fun of guys who can’t grow a beard or aren’t hairy at all.

I really don’t want to be the idiot that tells you what you should do with your body, that’s even more nonsens. You wanna shave? You go ahead and shave! That’s great! You don’t wanna shave? That’s great too! Live life however you want to!

I guess my point is: hair is normal. Some people have more, some have less, that’s cool. Nobody but you is to decide what you do with it, your hair (or the lack of it) is absolutely your business. There’s simply nothing to be ashamed of.


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