[dropcap]M[/dropcap]ost mass shootings are done by racist white men, they are the biggest threat to America and they are U.S citizens. We claim to make the country safe again, we have to keep out “illegal immigrants” but some of the most dangerous people are the ones born in this very country. This country was founded on white men thinking they own people who are under them, this country was founded on white men terrorizing people who resided in a place they didn’t own. So why are we only calling brown people terrorist? Terrorism has been used as a tactic for white men for literally centuries to get whatever they wanted.
One of the most memorable terrorist attack started by a racist white man was when a white supremacist murdered innocent black people in a church, just because he didn’t like the color of their skin. Another one happened just recently, when a a white men massacred innocent Muslim people where they prayed.
The definition of terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation against civilians in the pursuit of political aims or a need to claim power. White men have been causing mass shootings because they want their race to remain in power. White police officers have unlawfully killed many innocent lives of men, women and children because their skin color made them look dangerous, because they “were just doing their job” and t the fact that they’re in the higher position of being a police officer may or may not give them to right to shoot whoever they please. Violent acts like this go on without punishment because the media refuses to broadcast the idea of white men being a major threat to society. The media refuses to broadcast this idea because they want the power to always belong to the white man.
It’s not just terrorism that white men get away with, it’s rape, theft, or simple law violations like speeding which could cause a person of color to get shot.
White supremacy is a strong form of terrorism. It has always been.
It has corrupted the minds of society, and it is why it is still alive today. White terrorism is the news blurring out the face of a police officer rather than the victim they killed. White terrorism is using the graduation picture of a white man for doing a crime, while using the mugshot of a black man for doing the same crime. White terrorism is enforcing the idea that the real threat to the country are the people outside of it rather than the ones inside, the ones who run it.
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