Being a lesbian is all fun and games until it’s not. What I mean by this is, sometimes being a gay woman is extremely frustrating. You often have stereotypical questions being asked to you constantly, or have a variety of different judgements being passed on your relationship. A lot of lesbians can relate to this and so much more. I took a poll of lesbians including myself, and asked them the most common things they’re able to relate to, here are the top four.
1. Falling for a Straight Girl
It’s not something any of us want to experience, but unfortunately we all have and or will fall for a straight girl. It is one of the many curses that come with being a lesbian. Whether is was just a beautiful stranger who walked passed you at the park, or your Best Friend who was always at your house growing up; we all know the pain.
2. Being told that “Lesbian Sex isn’t Real”
This is usually said by men and or women who believe that “The only way to have sex is with a penis.” Obviously lesbians don’t need a penis in order to have better sex than heterosexual women do according to the Huffington Post “ Straight Women Are Having Fewer Orgasms Than Everyone Else.” Lesbians actually have more orgasms compared to heterosexual women.
3. Being Poorly Represented in Movies/ TV Shows
In lesbian movies we are either over-sexualized, under-sexualized, or the lesbians end up not even being actual lesbians in the end. In shows including lesbians we are also over-sexualized, or overly stereotyped. In shows where lesbians are only side characters tend to be the most stereotypical about lesbians. Some lesbian movies are also so over-sexualized that it’s verging on pornographic. This is definitely a frustration when most of the time the only shows or movies representing you are unrelatable.
4. Being Asked “Who is The Guy/Girl in the Relationship?”
This question is the most obnoxious to hear. The entire point of being in a lesbian relationship is that we are BOTH girls. Most people tend to believe that there need to be gender roles in a relationship in order for it to work. This should be highly irrelevant to any relationship. Gender roles were made to establish men as dominant or superior to women in relationships. This concept is sexist and outdated, and should be apply to ANY relationship.
Most people, gay or lesbian experience things like this. Somethings you can get used to but some have been the same for too long and need to be changed. Although most lesbians can relate to this, it doesn’t necessarily mean we want to. Being represented poorly or having your relationship judged upon by strangers or loved ones can become very tiresome, and disappointing.
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