Dictionary.com defines microaggressions as a subtle but offensive comment or action directed at a minority or other non-dominant group that is often unintentional and unconsciously reinforces a stereotype. Microaggressions have been infamously known to target people of color, LGBTQ+ people, etc. The perpetrators of these aggressions are usually never aware of what they do, and when they are they don’t see an issue, and that’s the issue.
“Your music can literally not get any gayer,” well no shit. While this may be seen as a joke, it’s still a microaggression. They are classifying a certain type of music with the connotation of being feminine and relating it to being gay. While most straight men don’t listen to Cupcake, they call the music gay simply because they can’t relate to it. While Fall Out Boy and Blink 182 are widely listened to by straight males, I wouldn’t consider it straight music.
In the article, “Many faces of Homophobia,” they mention that the bible thumping conservatives aren’t the only homophobes around. Anyone could give off a microaggression that demeans the LGBTQ+ community, even its own members. Even the most down to earth people could say something harmful without even realizing it. “ The smallest remark can contain a secret bite in it.”
Take me, for example. I don’t wear makeup nor do I strip on a pole during school hours. I don’t grind on girls during school dances and hang out with other guys both straight and gay alike. I don’t talk about being gay 24/7, nor do I always overtly express it. Horrible examples right? I can count the times I’ve met someone and they asked me, “Are you sure you’re like 100% gay?” This may seem like an ordinary question asked by your local idiot, but what lies under that question is what they connote as gay behavior, such as the ones I listed above. Other times I’ll hear a guy usually hates gay guys, but he thinks I’m cool. Thanks?
All in all, people can argue that microaggressions aren’t a thing and that we’re being hypersensitive. The people who argue that notion are usually the perpetrators. They may be micro, but they always get noticed. Further, it is not up to them to decide what is harmful to someone else.
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