Memes are changing the way almost all of our youth and even our adults have thought about anything. These range from political issues to memes made about a particular video. I think that these are changing teenagers because they can relate to anything or anyone using a meme.
I became involved with memes when I was around twelve and I discovered iFunny. This was the beginning of me finding thinks I can relate to funny. I think that with the start of iFunny, memes started becoming more prevalent. As I’ve grown, I have moved from iFunny to memes that involve public issues and current events. Some of my favorites that I enjoy as well as my peers include multiple types. They help our youth and our adults laugh at things that appeal to our sense of humor. A big part of memes’ popularity is due to political memes.
Political memes help almost everyone I know laugh about things that are serious. An example of this is particular ones about how “crooked” Hillary is. Or Ted Cruz memes that compare him to Kevin from the Office. This shows that people make memes for every type of person and their interests. An example of this is how it is even Google makes it obvious that Trump memes are popular. When you search “Trump memes” Google comes up with sub links that include El Chapo, Anti, Mexican, and even Corn. Politicians even use them to appeal to certain groups of people. This was first introduced to me when Hillary Clinton started with a vine. Another type of memes that were and still are popular are ones that include Biden and Obama. People relate them to a bromance and missing their leadership of the United States.
Memes have also changed a lot of how we communicate. This became evident when I started having conversations using only memes. They explain how I feel when nothing else can. While a lot of them can be sarcastic, a great deal of them are genuine. I also started to realize that memes were becoming very popular when I had to make one for my Spanish class. In my opinion, memes help everyone laugh about anything. They also help people relate. Having a bad day? Find a meme that explains how you feel and share it.
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