High School is stressful enough to begin with. Too much homework, not enough sleep, after school activities, it can all be too much. But senior year can be a whole other level. For me, I slacked my Freshman year, which screwed everything up. I was too short in credits, having to retake classes, I felt like an idiot. But that is not true. I knew I was smart I was not just applying myself to my work, and focusing on things that do not even matter to me now. If you are senior this year, or even in high school, I want to give you some advice that helped me control my stress and better myself.
First and foremost, if you are the parting type, but your grades aren’t doing too hot, you ~might~ want to buckle down. This is your last year, there is no other year to make it up if you want to graduate on time. I know these are your young years, but won’t it feel nice to complete your work properly, and then go have fun? Look, I can not control you, but this is what I noticed my freshmen year.
Another thing is, you do not have to know what you want to do for the rest of your life. What you are interested in now, may not be what you are into in five years. Focus on the work you are doing now, even if you are not interested in it. Doing your work and graduating is the first step into doing what you want to do, but without graduating, it will be very hard to go and do your future job (unless you are planning to be something that does not require that but still PLEASE try to graduate!).
A HUGE piece of advice that really help me was to keep doing what I love, even if I was not being graded on it. Being able to study well and memorize work to get good grades, will help you graduate. But will it help you in the work you want to do? In today’s society, being a free thinker and having a creative mind will get you farther in life than being able to remember equations.
And most importantly, please take care of yourself. Shower, sleep a good 8 hours, each regularly and healthy, take care of your skin, listen to the music you like. Do anything and everything you can that will help balance out your work and self care. When you don’t have yourself together, it will be even harder to succeed. Always remember that you can do it!