Whether you’re up, feeling blessed and highly favored or down you have to say thank you. I’m not saying to go around at all times of the day saying thank you to any and everyone but every once in a while say thank you to your loved ones for what they do for you and say thank you if anyone does something nice for you.
It’s important to say thank you to yourself – you can say it aloud or in your head but it’s the first step to forgive yourself and anyone in your life that may have done you wrong at some point in time.
You won’t grow until you let go and forgive yourself for things of the past. Thank yourself for those things as well, if those things didn’t happen you wouldn’t be the person you are and the person you’re becoming.
Imagine holding onto an event that you consider to be the worst thing to happen in your life — it will invade your mind corrupting your actions, your thoughts, your body and whatever else.
Your life is what you make it, the things that you see in your reality are your own projections. What I’m saying is that you create your own reality, you are really the author of every moment.
Whether you believe in God, the Universe, or whomever/whatever else… you are either receivimg help in life or doing it on your own — either way you have a hand in what becomes of your life.
You may feel some type of way for something that happened but didn’t go the way you wanted. I learned from Lilo and Stitch that “Sometimes you try your hardest. But things don’t work put the way you want them to. Sometimes things have to change. And maybe sometimes they’re for the better…”
Sometimes things do go your way but that way is detrimental to another persons life so you feel guilty. If what you did was for the sake of your own peace and happiness then forgive yourself and pray for the other person. It’s important to love people and want others to be happy, but it’s important to love yourself and want yourself to be happy. If that situation was detrimental to anothers life and it was not for the benefit of your wellbeing.. (in an ungreedy way) then it has to be made right, you can make up for it in one way or another. Even if does not benefit the original “source” it can benefit another in a similar situation, you should go and help someone else in life.
The more you thank yourself and appreciate yourself the better your life will become. You will thank yourself for thanking yourself.
In order to forgive and thank yourself it may help to say a mantra of some sort or just say/think simple phrases such as “I love you”, “I forgive you”, “It’s okay”, “Everything will be okay” and whatever may just feel right.
Forgive yourself, thank yourself and watch.