Someone can be a racist regardless of their religion, intelligence, cultural level, social status, benevolence towards members of their own race or social motivation. Having a diverse range of friends or being a liberal doesn’t exempt you from being racist. Although some remarks don’t entirely mean to offend people in that way, still, it’s racist and that has to change.
Here are just 4 examples of being a racist:
Ignorant towards learning other cultures
Another example of ignorance is saying you can’t be bothered in learning a certain language or cultural practice when you have the chance to because ‘you will not need it’ or is ‘a waste of your time’. This also shows you simply put your culture as ‘superior’ towards others, preferring to be ignorant in understanding the diversity in the world around you.
Claiming that you are not attracted to a certain race by preference
Some people type off others as attractive by their race. It doesn’t matter how hard you explain you’re just not into this group of individuals: this is still racist. Unless you’ve met every single person in that group, you can’t justify that an entire race is not attractive to you. Remember that everyone differs not only on race but also in personality. Always keep an open mind.
Cultural appropriation
Because wearing a Native American headpiece for your Coachella fashion statement will never be cool. That’s a massive no-no. Need I say more?
Remaining silent
Everyday racism still occurs, a fact that you can’t and shouldn’t deny unless you’ve been living on your couch this whole time. When you are a direct witness and choose to ignore it, you are putting your comfort and privilege above those that didn’t have such ‘superiority’ than supporting it. You are committing racism by omission. Instead of letting racism occur which makes you a jerk, be a decent person and stand up for the equality you believe in.
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