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Stop Using Gay as an Insult

Here’s a huge public service announcement to everyone out there: STOP USING GAY AS AN INSULT. While you throw around that adjective like an everyday word, people for generations have not only been degraded due to their sexuality, but also have to listen to your ignorant rhetoric due to your (non)sensible actions toward actual vocabulary.

I, for one, am not homosexual, making this topic even more concerning considering the fact that these words aren’t directed at me. While I may not speak on the behalf of the LGBT+ community, I find it a necessity to still reject current notions of ‘accepted’ vocabulary/ideas.

The word “gay” (originating in 12th century France) was originally meant to mean “happy” or “bright”, yet it has now been transformed through decades to mean “stupid” or “lame.” This pejorative word shifted in the mid-20th century, while also increasing the notion that homosexuality was a ‘mental illness’ that could be revered.

Many people don’t realize the importance of language in our culture and how it influences people around us as well. With increasing homophobia in places like Chechnya, for example, there needs to be an increase of importance surrounding our daily usage of words.

Ignoring the issue is another part of the problem. Tennessee has a bill called “Don’t Say Gay”, which originally was meant to protect the LGBT+ community, but instead excludes any discussion regarding these topics in classrooms. Suppressing current issues and events should not be the way to address the underlying problem of homophobia in society. Instead, making these discussions LGBT+ inclusive and normalizing these ideas will end the growing stigma the community.

Much of the underlying problem also originates from the faults of our knowledge. Individuals believe that lesbians are chronically “hyper-sexual“and AIDS/HIV only affect the gay community, when in reality, both of these ‘facts’ are proven wrong. Without people educating others, these issues will still be prevalent and society will constantly be stuck in a homophobic and anti-straight environment.

For those of you that still use “gay” as an insult, I suggest you rethink how your language may affect a person. While you may think there is a separation between “gay” and “stupid”, the reason why that association was made in the first place was due to the fact that homosexuality has always been shunned upon. Language is fluid: change yours if it’s offensive. Inclusion is key!

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