A lot of people have misconceptions about love and relationships, whether they’re romantic or platonic. When it comes to love you need more than just love and you will feel more than just love. And in a lot of cases people feel things that are not love but deem it as such because we’ve been conditioned to believe that love can hurt sometime — but that’s far from the case, anything that feels wrong isn’t love and some things that feel right are not love either.
Sometime last year I learned that if you’re in a relationship and something hurts it’s not love. You know people always say love hurts and they’re not going to love again because they don’t want to get hurt but whatever they went through wasn’t love. When people love someone they end up in denial a lot of times, people hold onto good times in the bad times which confuses them. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that hurt doesn’t come with love, because you’re going to feel other emotions with anyone you love ones that aren’t always bliss, you just have to know if they’re wrong or not.
Relationships hurt like hell, no matter the type, you have to work and when you love you let yourself become vulnerable. Loving someone is about not letting people take advantage and taking too much from you whether it’s a physical thing or mental thing, you can’t let people drain you because then what will you have for yourself.
They’re so tiring too, but I don’t think they should be at least not a lot and definitely not often. I’m extremely supportive of my loved ones so I spend time checking up on them and cheering them on.. I don’t think I should find myself getting tired of that even if I don’t get it in return — I feel like that’s really selfish. Sometimes it’s good to be selfish though, just because you care deeply about people and don’t expect much or too much in return does not mean you don’t have the right to feel tired of not getting reciprocation. “I don’t even ask for much in return but for people to constantly take from me is overwhelming”
I won’t lie sometimes it’s really hard not to let people take advantage of you and to just let them take and take from you, but you have to set a line. I struggle with it now, I will literally give advice on it and not follow it for myself — I can make exceptions saying I’m full of love and I’ll be alright or they need some love and I have to give it to them. That’s not right if someone is draining you of love you need to check yourself, it’s important to check your friends but it’s especially important to check yourself.
When people are constantly taking from you you might find yourself trying to go out of your way, change yourself, heavily promote yourself, etc. because you want the person to realize they need you in life and/or how amazing you are. In those cases you have to remember that you can’t control how people experience you, how people experience you is a choice of their own not yours. You may have an understanding heart, “Understand that even an “understanding heart” grows tired of being understanding and never understood.”, and that is 100% okay, understand that you can be upset about being drained.
Whenever I feel like people don’t appreciate me I always feel like I should harden myself and go back to me ruthless days but I just can’t. My heart is too big and pure it doesn’t often allow me to do people how they do me but I love it just as I hate it because people with bad hearts, negative energy, and wack vibes will get their own — Karma gets everrrrryone.
If I’m not being appreciated I try to stop going out of my way, I stop reaching out as much, I look out for myself first and foremost, and I always keep the love I have for anybody.. I just distance myself from them. Not getting the love you give out isn’t fair, being given half-assed love isn’t love and giving half ass love isn’t love.