Greg Gianforte, the Republican candidate for Montana’s open seat in the House, was charged with assault on Wednesday for attacking a reporter who asked him about the GOP’s health care bill. Though Montana has historically been a red state, analysts predicted that Gianforte’s actions could cost him the election. However, Montana voters proved these predictions wrong, upholding their traditional and conservative status.
Gianforte will go to court for a misdemeanor assault charge next month, but it is unlikely that he will be blocked from taking office. It was reported that Gianforte grabbed the reporter, Ben Jacobs of The Guardian, and slammed him to the ground and began to punch him, breaking Jacobs’ glasses in the process. Jacobs, who had only asked a simple question about health care, was taken aback, as were the other reporters in the room at the time.
Gianforte has a history of hostility towards journalists, and many of Montana’s local newspapers reported that they regretted ignoring Gianforte’s past interactions with their own reporters. Still, he had the audacity to say something to the effect of, “this isn’t me, or who I am,” in his victory speech. His win is yet another indicator of the political climate of the country, a climate in which those who vote red are willing to look past actions like these if it means being one step closer to taking a woman’s rights to her body away from her, or one step closer to banning an entire religion from the country, just because they don’t conform to western ideals.
Ultimately, Gianforte’s election to Congress has yet again proven that anything is possible for white, conservative males in this country. Furthermore, this sad truth will only become more self-evident in the years to come. Now, more than ever, is the time to stand up for what you believe in and participate by voting, campaigning, volunteering, etc, because there will be no change if we don’t initiate it.