Personality, being the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character, has no physical marker to base judgment off of. Humans determine threats within seconds of seeing someone, strictly based off of physical appearance. This allows for huge blockades between human relationship and sets up unequal chances for people who are seen as a threat. This specifically sets up unequal opportunities for people of color.
“Presentable” has been a phrase that has plagued the black and brown communities for centuries. “Presentable” for people of color means, “assimilate to white culture”, which means no natural hair, no comfortable clothing, no tattoos, no piercings, being fit but not too muscular. A mentor of mine said about his son, “My son cannot get any tattoos or piercings, he already gets profiled just the way he is”. Unfortunately, this is the society white people in power have created for communities of color. These white values have found their ways into communities of color as well, where a black or brown person cannot trust someone that looks like them, solely because of the stereotypes created off of appearance. A close person from my lifetime who is black once told me, “Hell no I wouldn’t trust him to pay me back, do you not see how dark-skinned he is?”. This kind of division within the black and brown community is what has lead to the gun-violence which has taken so many lives. That kind of, “trust nobody” mentality is too prevalent in impoverished and marginalized communities. Not being able to trust your neighbor because this country has taught black and brown children that someone with their skin color is not trustworthy.
In the work place, tattoos are typically a hard “no” from employers. It is seen as “unprofessional” and will often be the deciding factor whether or not the applicant will be employed. While the tattoo itself may say something about the person, simply having them does not. I was recently refered t0 @cfood_dbe on Instagram. He is a positive figure trying to escape poverty and gang violence through entertainment with a goal to inspire people from a similar situation he was in. He is living proof that judging someone based off of their appearance is dangerous and unfair. I have three tattoos on my left arm, all symbols of my culture. I have been called “cholo”, “el chapo’s son”, “shooter”, as well as countless other names based off of my pride for my Mexican heritage. So, if you are someone who is not typically considered a threat because of the way you look, please make it a conscious effort to get to know those people you are scared of.
If you are someone people see as a threat because of the way you look. I love you, you are loved, your community loves you, though it is hard to be able to show that love or feel it. You understand why, it’s hard to trust anybody when you are black or brown coming from a marginalized impoverished community. Just know you are beautiful inside and out, despite being surrounded by the hideous that this country has created. There is always beauty in the struggle, coming together in troubling times is essential. That may be one of the hardest things to do however, how can you come together when you can get shot for going to the next block over? There are people who want to see better, find those people and come together. Put down the weapons and love thy neighbor.