After just ten days in the position, Anthony “the Mooch” Scaramucci spectacularly departs his position as White House Communications Director. His departure, just after that of Sean Spicer’s, suggests a reign of chaos for the administration.
His appointment came quite a bit after Michael Dubke’s departure, who had reportedly failed to bring together the Trump administration through a stream of never-ending scandals. Sean Spicer, opposed to his arrival, resigned from office. Scaramucci’s appointment had also been opposed by Reince Priebus, who was ousted and replaced by John Kelly, who, in turn, forced the new Communications Director out. The Mooch’s departure leaves former Breitbart owner, Steve Bannon, in the clear. In a rant to the New Yorker, Scaramucci targeted Bannon and ended up being the target of a series of derogatory articles on Breitbart.
As the number of people fired from the Trump administration increases, their approval rating at a 34%, hits their record low. With scandal after scandal, and firing after firing, it seems unlikely that the administration will ever recover from these blows.