When asked to think of life in the Hawaiian Islands, a stereotypical image of an untroubled hula dancer in a grass skirt and coconut bra, living in a tropical utopia might be what one’s mind first generates. As ideal as that lifestyle may be, it is terribly inaccurate and misjudges the role people of Hawaii play in America’s society. As someone who has grown up on the island of Oahu, I can adamantly say Hawaii is so much more than it’s commercialized, island paradise front.

Although legislative concerns could be perceived as passive from a relaxing vacation spot, Hawaii is a very democratic state. Small in stature but strong in advocacy. The tiny group of islands—whose locals are primarily people of color—is constantly fighting for the safety and security of the minority population in this country. Back in early March, the state of Hawaii was the first to
Back in early March, the state of Hawaii was the first to oppose Trump’s travel ban in court. Attorneys quickly filed a lawsuit against the executive order and argued justly that it went against constitutional rights. In June, Hawaii also became the first state to register gun owners into a federal database, to the “Rap Back” system, to further ensure the safety of the community (because clearly “background checks” prior have been scarily insufficient in other parts of the country). And in more recent events, Attorney General Douglas Chin and others have immediately written to chairmen of Senate Armed Services to allow transgender military enrollment and has reassured residents of safety in response to an unlikely, yet possible North Korean attack.
“Hawaii is special in that it has always been non-discriminatory in both its history and constitution,” said Attorney General Chin.
While making a strong effort to effect progressive change in the U.S., there are still people who dismiss Hawaii being a part of the fifty states as a joke; even though the islands were invaded, the peaceful Queen Liliʻuokalani was overthrown then imprisoned, and sovereignty of native Hawaiians was stolen. As a tourist attraction to too many haoles (whites), the islands have become as a place to “explore” the sacred land and mock Hawaiian culture in any way they see fit.
Though traditional Hawaiian culture has now become part of a marketing tactic to increase tourism, it should still be seen as valid. Hawaiians commonly celebrate their native culture boldly and with pride, but that doesn’t mean Hawaii isn’t just as civically developed as any other state. This 50th state of America, that was annexed and yet is still making progressive efforts for the country it is now part of, should be recognized as more than a glamorous getaway.
There is no wrong admiring Hawaii for its beautiful scenery, but the admiration should also come with respect, and willingness to educate oneself about the culture/modern society before believing any uncivilized cliché.