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The Leading Cause of Death in America Will Soon Be Trump’s Twitter

As a wise old woman once said, “If you have nothing nice to tweet, don’t tweet anything at all.”

Oh, Donald. It seems that with each passing day, your Twitter account becomes more and more nasty, more and more destructive, more and more unprofessional. At first, it was annoying, but now, it’s dangerous.

Our nation stands on the brink of war with North Korea every day. Tensions have been existent for decades, yet now, with Trump’s big mouth and Kim Jong-Un’s sensitivity, the likelihood of a full nuclear war has risen to the top of the pot, uncomfortably close to boiling over. If nuclear war breaks out, pain and suffering will be felt all over the nation, and the Earth could become inhabitable. Yet, Trump simply does not seem to understand the fragility of the situation.

Every day, his words, especially his tweets, become more and more aggressive.

He recently tweeted about the missile crisis in Korea, saying “Just heard Foreign Minister of North Korea speak at U.N. If he echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man, they won’t be around much longer!”

Although Donald isn’t known for his elegance, calling Kim Jong Un, a man who simply does not tolerate slander or insult, puts our entire nation at risk. North Korea is a prideful country and calling their leader “Little Rocket Man” only feeds the image they have of uncivilized Americans. Truthfully, it’s not shocking that Trump said this, as he known for his brash, crude words. However, it’s extremely concerning that his advisors allow him to tweet things like this. How is it possible that no one is searching his tweets for red flags?

He later tweeted something similar, this time mentioning our Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Again, how in the world is he not barred from saying this? Not only is he insulting the dictator of an extremely unstable country who already despises the U.S., he’s undermining our Secretary of State, who is simply trying to extinguish the fire growing between our two nations.

Donald Trump needs to censor his tweets. Words that put the entire country in jeopardy are simply not acceptable, and it’s despicable that we aren’t even surprised when he does things like this. There needs to be someone in control over his social media, someone who can filter the words his tiny hands type out. He’s pushing America to the brink of nuclear war via Twitter, and it’s shameful. No president should be able to get away with this.

Here’s a fun petition to get Trump banned from Twitter.

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