Difference in opinion is so very important, for so many reasons. I challenge you to try to imagine a world where everyone agreed on everything. At first thought, it may seem very ideal, which in some cases, it really would be, but we have to keep in mind that people have difference in opinion for a reason. What if we’re all wrong?
In most cases, when it comes to topics such as political views, no one is really “wrong.” Usually every perspective has pros and cons, leaving no entirely correct answer. This is what causes all the disagreeing and debating. Many people seem to think difference in perspective and ideas is a bad thing, and that’s what I’m working to change.
Return to the idea of worldwide agreement. What would this mean? Try to imagine that everyone agreed with all of your personal beliefs. This is clearly impossible, but this seems to be what many people strive for. A completely one-sided world. Everyone would be looking from the same perspective. Now, in this fictional world, every human on earth agrees with your ideas, but again, what if you’re wrong?
The odds are, if we all wanted the same thing for the world, some things would work out wonderfully. We would have the possibility of completely eliminating things such as violence and war, but what if your opinion is wrong? In this world of debate, because of people challenging each other’s views and ideas, we use the passion of our beliefs to explain, defend, and help others to understand where we are coming from. If everyone were to believe in the same thing, we wouldn’t have this. Research wouldn’t be done, things wouldn’t be considered, and ultimately, we couldn’t find the best option. We wouldn’t even see alternative options.
In our real world, life is full of disagreements, because beliefs differ along with perspective. This means, when it comes to general topics, all of us are going to be, to some degree, incorrect. We may not know who, or how, or what the best choice is, but some of us are wrong. Along with some of us being wrong, some of us are right. No one on this earth knows everything. We are all right or wrong in some area of our beliefs. That is why we must put all our ideas and perspectives together in hopes to discover the rights and the wrongs and make decisions upon that conclusion.
I challenge everyone to try to remain more open-minded when it comes to differences in religion, politics, ideas, and just opinions in general. A great way to do this, is to simply listen to and ask questions about what you don’t understand. Before trying to debate or argue a topic, try to first better understand the opposing viewpoint. Together, we can create a world that encourages opposing ideas, along with all of the growth and learning that will come along with it. Open your mind, eyes, heart, and ears, and we will work towards the best world we can create.