Donald Trump’s presidency has developed a wide range of obvious love and hate relationships with the American people. After the 2016 election and during the presidential debates, Trump swore to “make America great again.” This and the 45th president’s initial call to give the power back to the American people has been prominently expressed earlier on in many of Mr. Trump’s campaign speeches over the duration of last year’s election. His promises helped to successfully give him the votes needed in order to win the election, despite his sarcastic comments and unfiltered remarks that costed him a variety of reactions, from outrage to positivity in standing ovation.
However, Donald Trump’s actions nearing the one year mark of his presidency, have gravely affected his overall approval ratings in office. According to Washington Post ABC-News Polls, Donald Trump’s current approval rating of a 37.2% is the worst rate of modern day poll statistics for presidents in history. Weighing in at just 37.2 as an overall approval rate, President Trump’s satisfaction from American citizens was already significantly low at the start of his four year term in office. Trump’s droppings in ratings came from a majority of independent women whom all together costed a decrease in the president’s approval rating by 40 points since September. It is suggested that Trump’s criticism in the past towards women has resulted in the negative impact given to his approval rating. Not only has his criticism costed him a decline in approval ratings, misconduct of sexual accusations towards women has also been prominent in his downfall in the polls.
The plummet in approval ratings among women has created a vast gender gap in Trump’s support for his upcoming one year mark in office. While his low approval isn’t only shown through the low number of ratings received from women, Trump’s actions have also opened the doors to women’s beliefs to proceed in impeaching the president from office all together. Statistics have recently shown women have low confidence in the future Trump will create for America, especially in comparison to men’s statistics showing great approval in his time in office. Only 44% of women voters are optimistic of the future Trump has planned for America, while 72% of men are optimistic.
Not only has the president’s approval rating among women dropped immensely, a new poll identified droppings by every state since Trump’s first appearance in office. Droppings in ratings can result in difficulty to push reforms and bills for immigration and tax laws. The president could lose leverage due to a decrease in the majority of his overall support.