2018 marks the arrival of a brand new segment in our lives – opening up a new 365-page chapter ready to be written. The time has come to leave our pains behind and embrace the future, and to look towards it with hope, optimism, and anticipation.
“I’m going to make so many changes this year. I’m going to start eating healthier, exercising more often, meeting new people, and spending more time with my family, friends and more. This year, I’m going to be better. New year, new me.”
It all sounds promising enough. After all, we are all striving to better ourselves and make our lives healthier and happier – and everybody should want to be living a better life. So what’s the problem with this mentality?
If you ended 2017 declaring “New Year, New Me”, here’s a question for you – why wait until now? Why did you only recently decide to make changes to your life? Why couldn’t you have done it earlier?
The fact that most people seek to change their lives only now is how I can tell that it is likely to fail. Imagine – if a calendar were rewritten so that a year would begin in August instead of January, would you still be as inspired and hopeful right now? If you don’t believe so, then that probably means you’re only motivated to change your life because you’re abiding by short-term holiday spirit. You’re not seeking to change your life because you want to, but rather, you’re responding to the excitement of a digit change in the calendar.
Sadly, most people don’t realize this about themselves. Hopefully this provided some insight into your understanding of yourself, and if you truly do want to change your life and improve it, the motivation needs to come from you.
It is only when the motivation is internal and genuine that leads to success and actual change. The power to change your life rests on your shoulders, not on 2018. A new year is not obligated to do anything to you. It doesn’t owe you anything. Your life isn’t going to get better simply because it’s 2018. It can only go upward if you will it.
Starting from now, if you truly are inspired and willing to make changes to your life, think about them every day. Remind yourself every day of your goals. Make them your daily prayer, set them as a daily reminder. Make sure your aspirations come from your own mind and soul.
Happy New Year, and I hope 2018 works well for all of you.