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The Hypocrisy Behind Jack Posobiec’s Recent Scandal

In case you don’t know, Jack Posobiec is an alt-right white supremacist who identifies as a Christian and a Conservative. He’s done various controversial things since Trump came into politics, such as promoting “Rape Melania” or standing for the Pizzagate theory which ended up being a YUGE nothing-burger. More recently, this God-fearing man was caught cheating on his wife three months into the marriage.

@deborahlindseyl recently tweeted out to Bumble about the lovely Jack cheating through the popular dating App. I briefly interviewed her through direct messages and she told me: “These past few days have been bonkers. (Jan. 23rd) I was on Bumble and randomly came across his profile. Simple as that. I slept on it before posting because I knew harassment and abuse online might occur.”

On the thread underneath her post, the Official Bumble Account publicly stated that appropriate action has been taken and Posobiec has been removed due to his Neo-Nazi views. Instead of growing up and acting like the 30-something-year-old he is, our charming Jack has created yet another conspiracy theory via Twitter named “BUMBLEGATE.”

Posobiec is claiming that Lindsey Ledford “hacked” his private information and Facebook account and made a Bumble Account pretending to be him. This came out after @katienotopoulos at Buzzfeed tweeted out that Bumble confirmed Posobiec’s Facebook was linked to the supposed Catfish Profile. When asked about the BUMBLEGATE theory, she stated “Yeah, I definitely did not steal his identity. I did not hack him. I’m a woman with strong opinions who earned a degree in Cybersecurity management & policy. Part of the degree requires taking an ethical hacking course… ethical.


Posobiec is backing up his own lies so much I think he’s even starting to believe them himself. He constantly claims his innocence and puts up ridiculous statements about online identity theft & even posted a 17-minute-long video about how he’s totally innocent. (FYI: His main argument is that his wife is ‘so hot.’)

It is also said that the Bumble account linked to his Facebook has been inactive since September 2016. This would make some sense for people – except for the fact that he met his present wife three years ago. This was Lindsey’s response.


This is where the hypocrisy kicks in. Ledford excellently explains his plaster saint nature when she said, “His sexism and harassment of women is why seeing him on Bumble, was so strange.” Time and time again, Jack asserts his love for Christ and the Bible whilst at the same time breaking several of the 10 Commandments.

Exhibit A: “Do not make any idols.”

Posobiec idolizes Trump, his administration and the GOP’s fascist regime in general. He sees Trump as a Christ-like figure that he’s been waiting for since Obama was elected in 2008.

Exhibit B & C: “Do not commit adultery.” “Do not lie.”

We honestly do not know how long Posobiec was cheating on his wife or if he ever had a physical encounter, but it’s a likely chance that he has committed adultery and he is now lying to cover his tracks and keep his fascist fanbase on his side. He lied on an enormous scale and was caught for it when the Pizzagate scandal was debunked, forever putting a dent in his credibility.

It’s honestly all up to you whether you chose to care about this Alt-Right “Activist” being in deep, and I mean deep sh*t. But just remember the hypocrisy he puts out, claiming Feminists and the Left-Wingers are nothing but sinners & baby murderers while this sad excuse for a man endorses rape culture, Neo-Nazism, racism, anti-immigration, Fake News, Adultery and the Pro-Birth movement.

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