“It all feels so unreal,” said a seventeen year old high school student when questioned about the government shutdown.
The United States government has been shut down for a month and counting, angering countless people in the nation. From tension igniting between Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Donald Trump to millions of people across the country who are currently working without pay, the government shutdown has without a doubt been one of the nation’s most spoken about topics.
We know how the majority of adults in our country feel about the government shutdown, as well as politicians. However, what does Generation Z have to say about the situation? I spoke with high schoolers to see what they had to say about the government shutdown.
I sat down with eighteen-year-old Adryen to see what he thought about the cessation.
What do you think about the government shutdown?
Adryen: I think the government shutdown is ridiculous. It’s definitely something that is effecting numerous people. By this point, it’s completely uncalled for. We go out and we vote for our politicians — I think it is their duty to come to a compromise and fix this.
What steps do you think need to be taken in order to cease the government shutdown?
Adryen: In order for all of this to come to an end, I think that there needs to be some sort of an understanding on both sides. I think that the amount of people in our country that are being impacted by this shutdown also need to be factored immediately. These things shouldn’t happen.
Do you think building the wall is a justifiable reason for shutting the government down for a month and counting?
Adryen: No way. If a wall is what President Trump thinks will help our country, I think it should just have been an idea that was spoken about — not something done at the expense of everyone in the country.

Seventeen-year-old Kim was just as concerned about the shutdown, though her worries were aimed in the direction of education and school funding. When asked what she thought about the shutdown, Kim said, “Quite honestly, I’m scared for the simple reason and fact that there is a chance we’ll lose funding for public schools. A lot of us are on our last strand here in terms of finances. If the government doesn’t reopen soon, there is a very real possibility that we may have to start paying for school lunches. Coming from an economically struggling family, I’m concerned.”
I then spoke with eighteen-year-old student, Paul.
What is your opinion on the government shutdown?
Paul: As of right now, I think it’s kind of silly, honestly. At this point, we should just table the wall and move on from this. We need to start worrying about putting people back to work — 800,000 people working without pay for more than a month is unacceptable.
Do you believe there should be a specific amount of time in which the government is allowed to terminate?
Paul: I think it would be difficult to set a specific amount of time that the government was allowed to shutdown. Logistically, people are always disagreeing. It isn’t feasible. Maybe something like an emergency budget would work in our favor but it would be tough to set a fixed amount of time.
What steps do you think need to be taken in order to end the government shutdown?
Paul: I think that people on both sides just need to drop their ego. They need to come together and do something to end this shutdown. Either a third of Senate Republic needs to lower their confidence or Democrats need to cave in. Either way, they need to come to some sort of a consensus.

Eighteen-year-old student Donny also believed that both sides must come to an agreement in order to end the shutdown.
What do you think about the government shutdown?
Donny: At this point, I think it’s just stupid. I understand the political motive behind it but when [you] start putting money and holding power over people, it becomes more of an issue.
What steps do you think need to be taken in order to cease the government shutdown?
Donny: Both sides need to quit being so stubborn. They each have reasonable arguments but there comes a time in which we need to start talking about meeting in the middle in order to aid everyone.
When I asked the high school students whether or not they believed that building the wall was a justifiable reason for shutting the government down, they each agreed that shutting the government down over such a dispute could not be reasoned in any way, shape or form.
Seventeen year old Tizzy said, “The shutdown affects numerous people who have absolutely nothing to do with building the wall.” Agreeing, Paul added, “Certainly not for thirty days. It’s reached the point of diminishing returns […] it’s hurting the people more than it can help them.” Donny concurred and stated that, “the same amount of money that is needed to build the wall could easily be spent on homeless veterans, school funding, and healthcare.”
The government shutdown doesn’t only affect politicians and working adults, but it also affects the children and the young adults in our country. Next time you engage in a conversation about the government shutdown, be sure to take a moment to listen to what your teenager has to say.
For now, let’s hope that their hopes for their government will soon be met.
Photo: HeraldNet