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Top Tips for Writing Clickable Content

You might be spending a considerable chunk of your time writing content. Nevertheless, are you satisfied with the generated traffic on your website? Reaching out to masses seem next to impossible? This article will help you increase the viewership of your content and make it more appealing for the readers.

Write Book Reviews

Most people tend to surf online and do research about a book they are looking forward to buying. They want to know if they will be paying for value and the content in the book worth the purchase. Writing book reviews is an effective strategy to capture a significant segment of the audience. It can also help you in developing familiarity and establishing your presence among readers. You can type an essay about the reviews using various essay writing tools available online. Kindle is one popular platform for readers. You can make use of it to maximize your reach. 

Use Google

Google provides you with multiple platforms that are useful in the research process, writing the content, marketing it as well as evaluating it once you have posted something online. Few of these Google features include Google Analytics and Google Trends. Writers often face a dilemma in coming up with topics to write on. Even if they do, they fail at creating desirable traffic on their blogs. If you are one of them and want to discover new topics of research prevailing on the internet, these tools will provide you with search engine results based on stats and figures. You can choose the topic that is popular among searches with little to no work done on it. People are more likely to click your content if the topic intrigues them.

Use Writing Tools

For learning how to write content and making it irresistible and error-free, you can also seek help from different writing tools. They will improve your writing style, make your work more coherent as well as eliminate any structural or grammatical errors. You can also make your content more engaging by using these tools to help you discover exciting ideas and visuals. Ideaflip and Portent’s Content Idea Generator encourage you coming up with quality content that resonates with your audience Grammarly, ProWritingAid, Hemingway and StackEdit are a few examples that will help you edit and improve your text. Tools can also be used to optimize SEO using hashtags and keywords. Other tools include the ones that help you increase traffic to your blog. It includes Hootsuite, Pushcrew and Ahrefs.

Read Blog Comments

One of the useful content writing tips includes always staying in touch with your audience.  It is significant for climbing the ladder of success. You need to know how you have positioned yourself in their minds. Their comments can turn out to be an asset for you. You can run sentiment analysis to know what the general opinion about your content is.  The audience has opinions of their own, and the comment section can reflect these, giving you innovative ideas to use. Most readers are students and need help with assignments. You can mention different sites and tools where professional can help with accounting assignments, for example. Community building is a beneficial outcome of staying interactive. Discouraging feedback should be considered as constructive criticism and can be used to upgrade and refine your current performance. 

Always Proofread

Proofreading means reviewing the content you are aiming to post for possible grammatical and structural mistakes. This process involves a careful and thorough reading of the entire content and correcting any issues caught meanwhile. It also helps to ensure that the message being conveyed is correct and true to essence with the headline writing. Before the content is out and in the hands of the audience, make sure there are no errors in order to maintain a positive image in the eyes of the readers. Besides, writing correctly in the first attempt saves time and motivates you to do better next time.

Optimize Keywords

Here it would help if you thought by putting yourself in the shoes of your potential audience. Come up with as many keywords you think they might use while searching online. You have to focus on the keywords and prioritize them. Include as many as you can to heighten the chances of your article spring up in the top searches and to expand the reach. Make sure you know how to write a headline as it is one of the first things your audience will come across. If the title fails to grasp their attention, they will not even bother diving deeper into the article. Good headlines include the ones that target keywords to get a better SEO payoff. You can also use keywords in the text in images. Make sure that the critical content is being indexed and that it is unique. You do not have to consider optimizing only for the on-page SEO, off-page SEO holds equal significance. Generally, try improving the search listings concerning the keywords.

Plan Content Structure in Advance

Planning encourages organization and prioritization of your content. You will more likely include all the significant points and prevent the inclusion of unnecessary information. Blog headlines are one of the first things you should lay down so that the rest of the content can be coherent and follow a logical structure. You want the reader to follow your thought process, which can be lost if you start writing without directions and guidelines. You can get away with writing content straightaway, but it increases the chances of writing text that is not up to mark.

Be Honest

Authenticity and integrity are essential for success and for making the audience loyal to you and your blog. Tricky headlines should not be used as clickbait. The title should give an insight into what is yet to come. It would help if you delivered what you have promised to foster a healthy and trustworthy relationship which is significant in order to retain the audience.

Additionally, features like professional resume rewrite assist you in writing compelling and error-free content. Other Google-based features include Google AdWords, which is one of the best keyword planners out there to optimize the reach of your blog. Google Search Console can help you analyze your websites standpoint. 


The next time you start writing, try to implement all of the tips mentioned above. The fact of the matter is, everything needs time to reach perfection. You cannot expect to see a drastic increase in your viewership in one day. Patience and practice will lead you to your desired outcome. Happy writing!

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