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Ivanka Trump Shared Her New Year’s Resolution and People Had A Thing Or Two To Say

On Wednesday, Ivanka Trump shared her New Year’s Resolution via Twitter and many people responded. In 2018, other than eating healthy, reading a certain amount of books, being happier, spending more time with friends and family, saving money, she simply wishes to ‘sleep more.’ I mean, don’t we all? And we’re all aware that many people dislike or despise Donald Trump and the family tree from both past, present and future generations, right? So, of course there would be comments of supporters and especially of those who are simply not in the mood to reading anymore of the Trump family’s tweets.

People quickly replied that their sleepless nights are frequently caused by the happenings of our government and she’s helping to promote it. Many don’t get their full night sleep, of about eight hours according to scientists, because of working typically five to seven days a week to help make ends meet.

Ivanka also attached a link to an article talking about adults needing at least seven hours each night in order to reduce the risk of bad health effects. The article explains, with support of scientific experiments, how our bodies and mainly our brains react when we have no sleep, when we have a couple of hours of sleep and so on.

According to Stibel’s article, not getting the full seven hours of sleep puts you at risks for “chronic fatigue, confusion, poor decision-making, irritability, headaches, weight gain, depression and heart disease. Sleep deprivation has also been linked to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other long-term degenerative brain diseases.”

This resolution for the new year seems to actually be the daily resolution for mostly everyone, doesn’t it? I know it’s mine. But we can’t say we disagree with the Twitter commenters that much either, even when their comments are actually pretty brutal. Let’s see what they say, shall we?

Some are just tired of those who have greater advantages say their work is tiring.

Someone thought of a new resolution…

They thought someone else could get a better advantage of it.

A coincidence?

Personally, I don’t quite have much of a problem with Ivanka and she’s human just like us, we all need our sleep. I think that resolution should be on the top three of everybody’s list. However, there are some people who work a significant amount of hours more than others, or have a more tedious job, that have a greater say in this.

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