Christine Blasey Ford, a professor at Palo Alto University in California, came forward in an interview with the Washington Post with an allegation that Brett Kavanaugh, who is the POTUS’s pick to be the next Supreme Court Justice, sexually assaulted her more than 30 years ago. The woman originally submitted a letter without her name, which described her experience of the circumstance that transpired while she and Kavanaugh were still in high school. On the word and personal account of Ford, Kavanaugh “was trying to attack me and remove my clothing”.
Kavanaugh denied the indictment, and on Monday, he published a statement saying that he was willing to have a word with a Senate board to “refute” the accusation made by Ford.
Earlier on Sunday, the Nazi-inclining irrelevant child of Trump, who is not named Eric, took some time out of his weekend to think from his pea-sized brain that it would be funny to satirise sexual assault and post his version of the letter on his Instagram, mocking the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s rape accuser. For that reason, Donald Trump Jr. planned to continue to be trash for his expedition for some kind of relevancy in one of the worst administrations to ever govern.
In his post of a meme with the attached photo that displays a crumpled-up piece of notebook paper with a scrawled message saying, “Hi Cindy, will you be my girlfriend, Love Bret.”, along with the caption made by Donald Trump Jr. that said: Judge Kavanaugh’s sexual assault letter found by Dems. The notebook paper also included little boxes to check the answer for “yes” or “no”.
To sum up, Donald Trump Irrelevant Jr. demonstrably compared Christine Ford’s sexual allegation against Kavanaugh to an elementary school crush.
He went on, writing: Oh boy… the Dems and their usual nonsense games really have him on the ropes now. Finestein had the letter in July and saved it for the eve of his vote… honourable as always. I believe this is a copy for full transparency.
Don Jr. has quite the record for savouring in the pin-breaking, button-pushing, championing or trolling Tweets. He is often seen on the rise of social media feeds swapping hostile conspiracy theories and uncompromising posts about immigration or gun control. He once unashamedly passed around a post that associated Syrian refugees to a bowl of Skittles candy, which embraced some that “would kill you.”
On the other hand (not so much), his father, the POTUS himself, is notorious for gaining multiple sexual assault indictments against him but does not have a specific character for making light of sensitive matters like rape, nor forever standing on the right spot of geography and history or even the moral compass. Trump has also neither personally added footnotes to the sexual allegations against his nominee nor has denied the event ever occurred.
On Monday, White House counselor, Kellyanne Conway, however, informed the reporters at the White House that the President believes Kavanaugh’s accuser “should not be ignored or insulted. She should be heard.”
In the meantime, Brett Kavanaugh was seen arriving at the White House late Monday morning. No instantaneous clarification of the reason for his visit was declared. So far so, Brett had been on a silver-tongued track of approval, but the fresh sexual accusations have stirred up that procedure against his favour and now hangs in the balance.
Photo Credit: Buzzfeed News