Yet again, Donald Trump proves to us that he is in fact a white supremacist fighting to keep white America superior (something that we’ve known since the beginning). CNN anchor Jake Tapper asked Trump repeatedly to denounce David Duke’s support for his campaign and Trump said he couldn’t condemn someone he “didn’t know anything about”. He was asked to condemn David Duke’s and other white supremacist’s votes in the election to which Trump insisted he knew anything about white supremacists nor did he know anything about David Duke therefore could not condemn anyone.
Donald Trump argues “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists” and yet his entire campaign is based on white supremacist ideals. The reason he doesn’t want to publically condemn white supremacists is because he knows that’s where the majority of his votes are coming from. He knows that the KKK fully supports him and the fact that the KKK is an inherently racist and abhorrent organization means absolutely nothing to him. But the idea that he wouldn’t care that such a hateful group supports him shouldn’t come as a surprise to us, right? We all know his goals for America are the same goals organizations like the KKK have and that is to keep white America above minorities.
Donald Trump continues to contradict himself which further proves that he does not in fact know what he’s talking about (again, something we’ve already established). He states that he cannot condemn a group that he knows nothing about yet isn’t that what he’d been doing since he began his campaign? He had no problem insinuating that all Muslims were terrorists by saying he wanted to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S. He had no problem dehumanizing undocumented immigrants and Mexicans by saying we were all criminals and rapists. What is stopping him from condemning the KKK? Maybe the fact that he would lose the only people supporting him. He would lose the vote of racist white America and he knows he can’t afford that.
The fact that Trump has gotten this far and has the amount of supporters that he does is incredibly concerning. It proves what minorities have been saying this entire time regarding the diversity in America. The U.S is considered the “melting pot” of the world and it is shown to be a “diversity-friendly environment”. Donald Trump leading in polls proves that this is not true and the idea that the racism in America is not as prevalent as it was “back then” must end. The truth is, we live in a time period in which racism has evolved to fit our current society but this does not mean it is any less severe. Today we have been confirmed what we knew to be true all along; Donald Trump’s refusal to disavow the support from white supremacists means he is welcoming it. There is no in between, you either support or protest white supremacy and Trump has shown where he stands.
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