Trump ruined the image of America again. Of course America’s president Donald J. Trump ruins the name of the country. So as America we were known as the land of the free. Lately it’s not looking that way. Recently Trump had signed the executive order. This executive order totally suspends any Syrian refugees from entering this country. If Trump thinks this is how you America great again, he clearly has got the definition of Great incorrect.
One main reason I believe Trump is building a wall and detaining human beings, is his ego. His ego is becoming poked and prodded by the many women who came together to march against gender inequality. He is retaliating by saying ‘here America, here’s a new way to screw up this country.’ He will divide this country and people will tear each other apart.
He will make World War III. And we as a people will not be prepared. He is creating War beyond the people of America. Iran will pull away from any peace we had with them. In the United Kingdom we will always and forever be a joke. If Trump keeps doing what he’s been doing, then we will not be America. We will be split in two. One Radical and one Liberal. One who will be a xenophobic. And one open to new ideas and ordeals. If that’s the America Trump thinks we’ll be than we might as well give up.
Now there is nothing free in the United States, not anymore. If we have to endure four years of a president that grabs women’s genitalia proudly and disregards his wife then we must have been under the influence. The war will be catastrophic. For all Muslims they will be in a Concentration camp by the end of the year. If he wants America underpopulated and not thriving and have a lack of beautiful skyscrapers that many of our City’s are know for. We are a country who is for the people, by the people, and of the people, if he really truly believes that Muslims are the reason that this country is becoming a world wide joke, then there is no hope in these next four years.
Some of us say we can overcome a racist president. But it’s four years. He did the worst for the country in just a couple of days in office. He can do the unimaginable in the four years. He believes he has more power than he actually does. His ego will get bigger and the people’s opinion will get louder.