The subject of race and racism is a hot topic around the world today. All people of color have faced one or another form of racism in their lives. Many people when called out for being racist get very defensive. This is probably one of the worst things you can do. Here are the steps you need to take when being called out for being racist.
1. Think about what you said/did.
In times such as these almost all people of color are on edge when it comes to issues of race. Being a racist does not mean you use slurs, you probably never had in your life but you cannot blanket racism into just being about the use of slurs. There are many forms of racism that exist. One very very popular form of racism against black people would be the fetishization of us. Yes, your intense want of perfect light-skinned babies is racist. Reducing black men/women to sex objects is modern day dehumanization that has been broiling for thousands of years. This dehumanization and connotation of sex has been going on since the end of slavery when black women were overly sexualized and black men were seen as serial rapists of white women. Do you mean to be racist when you say you only want light-skinned babies? I hope not. Unintentional racism is bad and that is why you need to educate yourself to avoid making these mistakes again.
2. Apologize.
One of the worst things you can do when called out for racist behavior is make excuses. “It was just a joke” is one of the most common excuses people use for being racist. However, for people of color around the world the systemic oppression and belittlement of their people is hardly anything to joke about. By telling the woman/man you offended with your racist banter that what you said/did was just a joke you are invalidating their emotions. This is just as bad as using a slur; by telling someone to get over something that has offense rooted in past generations you are no better than past oppressors.
3. Educate yourself.
Listen, if you genuinely did not mean to be racist and have apologized in a respectful way. Meaning you said an actual apology and not “I’m sorry you were offended” and you do not participate in said racism again you can and most likely will be forgiven. If you are confused about how what you said/did was racist you can try to discuss it more with the person who called you out or maybe a friend of that same race. Even google can be helpful with understanding the history of racism. So in conclusion although you did not mean to offend when you fetishized mixed babies/black women you did. Although you did not see how your ‘joke’ about race was offensive, or your cornrows could offend people/ be an example of white privilege or you use of ebonics should be classified as stealing it will be okay as long as you educate yourself and do not repeat this mistake. However, if you do not heed this article’s warning and continue to make excuses for racist behavior consider yourself racist.