As I write this article, I consider myself to be a former Johnny Depp fan. Before it became public that he had abused his wife, the actress Amber Heard, I used to appreciate his work a lot. I binged watched Tim Burton movies, thought he was very talented, and I even looked up to him at some point in my life. In fact, three days ago, I was still planning to watch his new movie “Alice : Through the Looking Glass”. However, now that I know that he abused Amber, I will no longer support him or his career, and I will not spend another cent on any of his movies.
But not all his fans seem to think the same thing. In the past few days, we’ve seen countless Depp fans who seem to be reacting quite harshly to their favorite actor being an abuser – but not in the way we would imagine it. Some fans have decided to side with the abuser, and have stated that they believe Amber is lying. They refuse to believe that Depp is capable of such a thing, and apparently think that they know him better than everyone else. They have used different excuses, such as him being “too kind” to abuse someone, and some of them even had the audacity to say that Amber is making this story up because she wants his money.
This kind of reaction is extremely toxic. Not only is it ridiculous, but it also perpetuates the idea that we should be doubtful about women who come forward about their abuse because they might be lying. Countless people have accused Amber Heard of lying about her abuse, saying that her bruises could be fake, and even demonizing her because of her bisexuality. To them, Amber can only be lying, because they don’t want to believe that an attractive male actor could be an abuser.
When will people finally realize that celebrities aren’t perfect ? Fame and talent don’t change anything. People can be terrible human beings no matter how well they act, or if they have starred in your favorite movie. Just because you like Depp and have seen a lot of his movies, does not mean you know him personally. You don’t know him, you don’t know what he is capable of. All humans can be terrible and abusive, no matter if you wouldn’t suspect it. Just because Depp is considered attractive and talented by many does not mean he isn’t capable of abusing his wife.
But people prefer to stay silent and side with the abuser. Media will likely sweep this story under the rug and let Depp continue with his career like nothing happened. People prefer to blame the victim, and claim that there is no evidence that Amber was abused. They have proof, but they ask for more, because apparently a bruised face and a terrified woman crying in her car is not enough for them.
I will ask you one more thing : please, do not go watch “Alice : Through the Looking Glass”. Depp doesn’t deserve to have a career, and he does not deserve your money. Don’t stay silent about this, and don’t support him – no matter how much you used to like him. Abusers do not deserve our help or forgiveness, and it’s time we start blaming the abuser instead of the victim.