Things are constantly changing, sometimes it’s hard to let go or know when to let go and that goes for anything in life. Change can’t hold you back. Change creates the person you are becoming and you can’t let anyone or anything get in the way of that. Accept everything that your life brings whether you perceive it as good or bad because everything is meant to be the way it is even if it doesn’t feel good. There’s nothing you can do, life is as life is. You don’t have to get closure, you have to give yourself closure and make peace with it.
“I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.” — Yann Martel, Life of Pi
Do not attach yourself to things that are not attached to you and do not overly attach yourself ever because it’s never good to be too dependent on something. Accept what comes and when it’s time for it to leave then let it go. Things can be meant to be but at a different time and if it is you have to continue to do your part by thinking positive, thinking affirmations, and not holding on too tightly. What is for you will always be for you in whatever way and at whatever time it was meant to be.
I find peace in remembering that what is for me will be for me effortlessly.
When you get hurt, you can’t hold onto it, do not go back to it (mentally or physically) because you cannot heal from what hurt you. Do not force things, when something is constantly not working in your favor, you have to listen. Pay attention to your energy decreasing and increasing. It’s a message from the Universe, your mind and your gut/intuition. Until you learn the lesson God wants you to learn, you are put in the same situation or similar situations and eventually something will hit you forcing you learn. If you start to question something too much and it causes you to doubt yourself when you know you’re doing your best, it may be time to let that go. Be grateful for the memories you now have, no matter what deteriorated the situation or relationship and leave them behind.
Be secure in the things you do and the relationships don’t hold onto things no longer for you they will do nothing but hold you back from the things destined for you. You will lose things you held close to your heart or that you felt you absolutely but what you lose will return in one way, shape or form just be grateful and loving.