Allison Ricks
7 posts
Allison Ricks is a high school senior from New Jersey. She enjoys Ruth Bader Ginsburg, spinach and Nietzsche. That guy is wack. You can find her on Twitter: @llisonricks and Instagram: allisonbricks.
The Catalonia parliament declared the nation’s independence from Spain today in a 70 to 10 vote. The government…
The international animal rights network Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) entered Smithfield’s Circle Four Farms in mid-2017 and discovered…
When my mind is quiet, a memory surfaces: I’ve just finished cleaning thirteen hotel rooms. I consider myself…
Amidst North Korean claims of successfully manufactured hydrogen bombs, President Trump is wavering in his position on how North…
On June 30, the governor of Missouri signed a bill that the NAACP claims allows for legal discrimination.…
Your family is lounging around a dimly lit living room, drowsy from the big holiday meal you’ve just…
There is something you need to know. While you eat your dinner, while you sleep, while you do…