A few weeks ago, Donald Trump announced that the frontiers of United States would be closed for the citizens of Iran, Sudan, Syria, Somalia, Yemen and Iraq, as a way to confront jihadist terrorism. Hundreds of refugees were stopped on their way to the United States, and the ones who could end there were retained in the airports. Is paradoxical that a country during his all history has nourished, now deny them the step. What country is left that offers help to the one’s wish only wish is escape from the war?
In the last year, more and more countries increase reception restrictions of refugees, and the agreements between them, they do not even comply them. In the meantime, thousands of refugees are living in conditions inhuman, even mortal. I understand that, as they are a too many people, the can’t accept them everyone at first. But when someone denies their entrance only because they could be terrorist, they reach a limit. Are you going to banned them from getting in your country to someone who only wants to run away, give his family the best future, survive? We are forgetting what we all ask and want, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which most of the countries of the world are subscribed.
Article 3 “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.” Article 13 “(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.” Article 14 “(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
(2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.” I could continue saying more articles that it seem we have forgotten. You want this for your family but you deny them it?
We can forget our human side. Sometimes, we have to do what we believe and not what society thinks its “right”. you were born with the right to vote, move freely and be heard, why we don’t give them the same opportunities? The problem is this debate can’t be won with statistics, that will not change the attitude of the people. WE have to do it through stories, humanizing the refugees without the face. We have to show their names, their faces, their fears, their ambitions, their loved ones and what they are run away.