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An Apology To Those Suffering

Let me start off by saying I am so sorry. I’m sorry that we, America, have failed you as a whole. I am so sincerely sorry. I’m sorry that you, that I, that we, can’t ignore this crisis just because we don’t fall under a category that doesn’t face any problems because of privilege. I’m sorry that all the racism, homophobia, islamophobia, and just straight up hatred has prevailed and won the seat in the White House of the so-called “free” nation. I’m even more apologetic about how badly this will affect us and our futures. Not only that, though, our families, our lives now, our friends…

We are scared. We have every right to be. This is scary. The world is scary, our home is scary, our own neighbors have become scary. I know from going to a Catholic school that one should always love thy neighbor, but I can’t, not anymore. I can’t love anyone other than those suffering. I can’t look certain people in the eyes the same ever again because they wanted to “Make America Great Again.” I can’t.

So please listen to me when I say this: do not downplay how someone is feeling right now. Don’t. People are trying to deal with the fact that there is so much hatred in this country. And it’s not even the hatred of a common enemy or anything like that. It’s the hatred of who they are, who we are, who she, he are. Be there and listen. Not everyone is so lucky that they can overlook this.

Take this chance to use your voice and spread your message with positivity. Do not give in to the negativity and rage. Allow yourself to steer a middle course. We have until January for something to happen, to change, and if  something doesn’t, then remember that these are going to be a short four years. I know, I know, four years is still dangerous. But we can get through this. Together. We are better together, stronger together. Stand with your brothers and sisters of all religions, all races, and all sexual orientations and identities to fight this battle of oppression.

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