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50 New Year’s Resolution Ideas

Having trouble coming up with New Year resolutions? Or just want to see your ideas written down concretely? Here is a list of 50 ideas for resolutions/general concepts of things to do in 2017:

  1. Be more charitable.
  2. Smile at everyone you walk by.
  3. Hold the door open for people walking behind you.
  4. Exercise more.
  5. Stop being petty over minuscule issues (don’t be so judgmental).
  6. Play with your pet more often (i.e. Every day).
  7. Read one book a month. Or a week, or whatever time constraints fit your life.
  8. Call your grandparents every week.
  9. Call your parents every week.
  10. Call your siblings every week.
  11. Eat more fruits and veggies.
  12. Have electronic-free time.
  13. Be nice to your family – every if they aren’t nice to you.
  14. Learn/try to learn a new language.
  15. Clean your house/apartment/dorm more.
  17. Stop self-harming yourself.
  18. Take more walks.
  19. Get a walking/running buddy to chat with.
  20. Be more grateful.
  21. Write thank you notes to friends and family!
  22. Meditate to de-stress.
  23. Visit places from your childhood.
  24. Keep your closet organized.
  25. Get a coffee shop that knows your regular order.
  26. Visit art museums as often as you can.
  27. Be happier.
  28. Take jazz dance classes.
  29. Learn martial arts.
  30. Teach yourself a new instrument.
  31. Keep a dream journal.
  32. Have dance parties alone in your room.
  33. Run a marathon.
  34. Paint your room (or if you can’t redecorate it).
  35. Sort your closet and donate clothes you don’t wear.
  36. Find an activity in the community that interests you and participate in it.
  37. Write stories.
  38. Start loving yourself.
  39. Plant a garden and keep it nice and healthy.
  40. Appreciate more things.
  41. Be your best self.
  42. Make new friends.
  43. Discover new artists.
  44. Put your health first.
  45. Eat less fatty foods.
  46. Get a job.
  47. Learn how to swim.
  48. Conquer a fear/your fears.
  49. Laugh.
  50. Do whatever makes you happy.

Share your resolutions with us on Twitter.

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