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Danielle Bregoli is Finally Being “Cashed Ousside”–By An Anonymous Hacker

On Tuesday, March 7th, Danielle Bregoli, better known as the girl from the “cash me ousside, how bow dah” incident on Dr. Phil, had her Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram taken over by an unknown hacker. The hacker claimed to be part of a sociopolitical organization called “Face Security Group” and posted not one but two videos on each of her accounts. The videos featured a triangle shaped logo against a red background, with the organization’s name and the words “Democracy Dies in Darkness” written in several languages.


Many social media users reacted; some compared the unsettling video message to that from the 2013 movie The Purge, others speculated that the hacker behind all of this was the famous Anonymous. Some even noticed the striking resemblance this incident had to the computer hacking work of Elliot from the USA show Mr. Robot. For the most part, everyone was just creeped out.

Whether or not this is a hoax, these terrifying videos suggest that the hacker or hackers plan to strike again, and may be leaking information. Danielle Bregoli is still a minor, so if any of these leaks are of a sexual nature, the hacking would involve the sharing of child pornography, and the hackers would then be considered criminals. While we can all agree that there’s no more room in today’s pop culture for another talentless white teenager (and definitely not to worship them like idols or gods), endangering a minor is not the way to go about invoking legitimate political or societal change. These videos will most likely be taken down soon, and many are waiting to see just what these hackers are planning to do. Hopefully, both the hackers and Cash Me Ousside girl will stop their attention-seeking nonsense.

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