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5 Things You Should Be Doing the Summer Before You Go Away To College

Prom season is just about over, graduation already happened or is about to happen, and now you’re sitting in your room wondering what the hell you should be doing this summer. I know, I was there. I was exhausted from high school, but more importantly, I was eager to start college. Because I had friends a little older than me, I was able to get some tips on what I should be doing the summer before my freshman year in college so I thought I’d pass them along. Here are 5 suggestions:

  1. RELAX! By relax I mean a couple of things. The first thing I mean is to physically chill out. Prom season was stressful as hell, and if you plan on having a graduation party or trunk party, that is about to be stressful too. So sit down, catch up on your favorite television shows and eat some of your favorite food. The second thing I mean by relax is to mentally calm down. Although your eagerness about the upcoming year is understandable, you just finished high school about two seconds ago, so don’t be in a rush to go to college. Trust me, you won’t be that excited when those essays, quizzes, and tests start pouring in. Take this summer to meditate and get your mind right, because college can have a huge affect on your mental health.
  2. Spend some quality time with your friends. The summer is a weird time for friendships. There will be people you don’t talk to anymore because you don’t see them at school every day anymore, but then there will be your genuine friends. Make sure you spend as much time with them as possible because that sets the precedent for keeping in touch with each other while you’re away at school. Side note: this is prime time to cut out all the snakes in your life. If they’re not bringing positive energy into your life, cut them off. You don’t need to carry that into this brand new chapter of your life.
  3. Get a job. This is a good time to start making your own money and becoming more independent so that when you go away to school your won’t be blindsided by having to provide for yourself. Also, just get a job to have money to hang out and shop this summer so you don’t have to ask your parents for money. Now is the time where they start to get really annoying about you asking for money, especially if you’ve already turned 18.
  4. Try to eat as clean as possible and go to the gym. Obviously, this is the summer so you’re gonna wanna eat all the food that is good, but not so good for your body. You should but in moderation. I only say this because the freshman 15 is real as hell, and if your body is in really good form before you leave, even if you do gain a little weight you’ll still look good. But also, just be nice to your body now, because in college you don’t necessarily have time to take care of yourself like you do now.
  5. Tell you parents and or siblings that you love them. Going away to college is not only hard on you, but on your family. They’re gonna miss you a lot. I remember my sister was crying when they dropped me off, and she told me that my mom cried the whole plane ride home. But make sure you spend a lot of time with them and show affection because you might not always have time to call them, but at least they know where your heart is.

The last thing I wanna say to end this is CONGRATS GRAD! You made it. You prevailed through four years of fake friends, copying homework, and begging for grades. You should be proud of yourself. This is a huge accomplishment, and don’t listen to anyone who tries to tell you otherwise. Again, congrats grad, and good luck with freshman year!

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