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Our Convenient Future: Houses That Move With Us

Perhaps we all dreamed of building and customizing our idealistic homes. Or we have all confronted agitating neighbors and wanted to conveniently move neighborhoods.

In either circumstance, people could not easily afford the time of setting up a new house since doing so is a challenging and strenuous process. However, technology — once again — changed the game for house building when it extended the use of 3D printing to print homes with its newest creation of flat-pack houses.

The flat pack houses can be within 25 to approximately 60 square feet with every installation pivotal for survival: bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, and lounges. Designed by the Estonian firm Kodasema, these houses take at most seven hours to construct and can be easily transferrable to every location adjacent to sewage or electricity circuits. Kodasema acknowledged the purpose for their designs by claiming that “much of our quality of life depends on both our home and its location meeting our need” and that we can adjust our houses without the need for reconstruction.  This portable building is revolutionary since it has the ability to arrange and assemble itself mechanically, without the laborious effort of humans. The tiny houses are not only acquirable in a moment’s notice, but they are also open to magnificent views of the outside world while simultaneously sealed enough for privacy. The stunning and intricate detail of these houses with four story rooms equally amaze many of their buyers.

Already, the practical applications of this technology have extended to many altruistic benefits of our community. It has been reported that a London project was designed specifically to accommodate the needs of the impoverished and homeless by taking advantage of 26 square meters flat pack homes to design shelters. Some people similarly hope that these low cost and space efficient homes would auspiciously solve the United Kingdom’s housing crisis. The real life benefits of this technology are limitless and only time would tell of its efficacy.

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