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5 Tips For Overcoming Homesickness In College

As September rolls on into October, many students have either started or come back for their studies and for some, adjusting to a new environment isn’t a major issue. Still, others struggle to become accustomed to their surroundings which impacts education and wellbeing as a whole, leaving students feeling very isolated and distressed.

Homesickness is particularly associated with children when they’re on a trip away and are wanting their parents yet it can happen with anyone at any age so it’s important to not be ashamed of having these emotions. Not being used to leaving home on your own can be a scary experience but knowing how to combat wallowing in homesickness will help elevate your mood and adapt to the new chapter in your life.

Given that I have been one who has had issues with adjusting to a different place, here are a few tips that have helped me overcome longing for home:

  1. Get out of the house-  Don’t sit in your room and binge watch your favourite TV show. As fun as it may be, it not only worsens feelings of homesickness but leaves you feeling unfulfilled at the end of the day. So do something productive. It doesn’t even necessarily have to be study related. You can to the gym, visit some of the sights around you or simply take a walk around the park. Exercising in particular will release endorphins which aids the fight against homesickness. You don’t have to do this on your own, invite a friend to accompany you if you wish!
  2. Talk about these feelings- It’s often a hard thing to admit being homesick, but opening up to a friend or someone you know will listen lifts a huge weight off of your shoulders and they might offer advice you might’ve never thought of. Different people experience different situations so they will have unique insights that you can apply to your life.
  3. Get out of your comfort zone- Do something out of the ordinary to what you usually do, for example watch a local show, take a class you find interesting, or visit a museum. Get yourself immersed in the local culture so you can class your new surroundings as a second home. But try not to overwhelm yourself first try, take small steps.
  4. Try to call home gradually less and less- Home is simply just a phone call away, however calling family and friends from home frequently can hinder you from new experiences and meeting new people. Decrease the amount you contact home over time but not to the point where they get worried. Make a schedule of when and how long.
  5. Be easy on yourself -There is no rush for you to suddenly feel comfortable with your new environment and you shouldn’t feel pressured because others have suited it quicker. Everyone goes at their own pace, there’s no instancy so take it easy. Don’t make any rash decisions which will have you slipping down a further downward spiral. Eat healthy and find the manageable balance between work and rest.

I am aware that these methods won’t work for everyone as we all have different means of dealing with situations however this is what worked best for me. And remember why you’re in higher education. To make the next step to your career, meet new people and enjoy yourself.

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