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The ‘Stranger Things’ Season 2 Trailer Saved My Life

For those who weren’t watching the Super Bowl Sunday night, the Stranger Things season two trailer premiered. And it was AMAZING.

Beginning with a vintage commercial of a brother and sister fighting over Eggos, I assumed the ad to be for Eggos, a belief shared by most viewers. However, the screen started glitching and was interrupted by a young voice screaming “ELEVEN!”

That’s when my heart stopped.

The trailer, only 36 seconds long, was so visually stimulating that I didn’t know where to begin. I watched it about five times in a row before the information starting sinking in. So many questions raised in such a short time:

For example, why are the kids wearing Ghostbusters uniforms?  Are they emulating their role models for empowerment?  Are they showing the parallels between the monster-fighting child gang and the 80s ghostbusting team? Is it just a way of showing the geeky and 80s vibes the show gives off?

What is Dustin looking at in this screenshot?  Isn’t the Demogorgon supposed to be dead?  What’s messing with these precious children now?  Why doesn’t anyone else notice whatever he’s so frightened by?

What is this video of?  Who is in the chair? Is it Eleven?  One of the other kids? Could this be Papa operating on more children?  Or a totally new threat? Also, the date stamp is for October 30, the day before Halloween.  The end of the trailer features large text reading “Halloween.”  Does this mean that season two won’t premiere until Halloween, instead of during the summer like season one?  Or is season two taking place during Halloween?

And of course: is Barb coming back?  She and Nancy would have been so cute together.  Either way, we hopefully won’t have to wait too long before Stranger Things season two premieres.  For now, enjoy these wonderful 36 seconds:

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