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Lauren London is Confident and Glowing Despite Body Shaming Haters


People are constantly trying to control women and how they look. This is especially true when it comes to people that have just had babies. There is a huge amount of pressure for people to snap back immediately to pre-baby weight, and walk it off, looking like they never had a baby. For some people, losing the baby weight is easy, for others it can take over a year, and sometimes, they never quite lose all of it.

For Lauren London, body-shammers were raging that she hadn’t done enough to lose the baby weight after she had her second child, her son, six months ago. Most of the tweets about her weight include things about “how she let herself go”, and “is fat now”, like she’s somehow be interested in an anonymous egg on twitter anyway. Her weight is not anyone else’s business, but as everyone loves shaming women for their weight, and declaring that weight equals attractiveness, she’s been recently barraged with thousands of messages, declaring her suddenly unattractive in the eyes of the world.

The actress/model, starring in things like “Entourage” and “90210” didn’t take their abuse silently however. After she recently appeared at a basketball game, people criticized her weight all over social media.

Lauren London, true queen, and positive icon had the following statement to make;

“I knew that my body would change, but I did not let the fear of these things effect me to the point of going against my spirit. I asked myself: would you rather be at conflict with yourself and at peace with the world? Or at peace with yourself and at conflict with the world? I chose the latter, at that moment I was ready for whatever came with it.”

Her statement is cool, collected, and proves to everyone that’s been criticizing her that she’s confident with herself and the world. She a testament to the unfair expectations society forces on people, especially after going through such radical changes to their body, such as carrying, and giving birth to a child.

She’s human. She’s allowed to take as much time as she needs to get back to “post baby” if she even wants to go back to her original weight. Holding everyone to the same weight standards, is unfair, and unnecessary, not to mention super fat phobic. Forcing people to be preoccupied with their weight after such a huge change in their life, adds unneeded stress when they should just be focusing on adapting and taking care of their baby.

Lauren smacks haters down by saying she’s happy, comfortable, and going at her own pace. She’s confident in herself, and that’s what matters. It’s an excellent example to set to other people that have recently had babies and are feeling the pressure to snap back to post baby bodies, Lauren London gives them something positive to look to, telling them just feel confident in themselves, and when they’re ready, they’ll be okay.

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