Everybody gets to a point in their life when they don’t know what is going on in a relationship, platonic or romantic. People go to different places for guidance like friends, family, God, mentors, etc. and a lot of times get a lot of different answers causing more loss and confusion.
Talking about it and getting it off your chest is beneficial but talking about it too much can just lead you to reminisce and hold onto the past. It’s nice to get different perspectives but at the end of the day, you have to look for and find that answer inside yourself — in a lot of cases, trusting your gut and/or heart is the best thing to do. One of the best ways to figure things out in life especially with a relationship is to just communicate with the other party. I personally don’t like to talk about my business with many people. I think when it comes to relationship issues you should limit the amount of people you tell because people sometimes don’t have your best interest at heart or don’t care too much to help you out.
Love is complicated but sometimes it isn’t and sometimes it shouldn’t be. It’s one of those things you shouldn’t go looking for, but should always pray on. If something has to be forced, then it isn’t for you. Every relationship that is for you will flow and it will just work. Sometimes relationships don’t work in the beginning, but it can still be for you. What is for you will also come back when you both are ready for it. It’s hard to know which relationships are the ones meant to come back and the ones meant to stay apart… that’s when you have to not stress on it, pray on it and go with the flow of life. Whatever happens, happens.
What you put out into the universe, you will eventually be blessed with. Everything you pray for will come at God’s speed, not your own. You won’t get things until you’re ready, so I think praying on the things you want and talking to God about it does help manifest it fast because you’re changing yourself and pushing yourself to become the person who is ready for it —your mindset changes and come to peace with it. That actually happened to me. I had come to peace with not having a particular relationship in my life, but then I got a taste of it which left me confused again. So I’m trying to get back at peace, to go back with the flow. So now, I give up on love, but that doesn’t mean I’ve closed myself off and become coldhearted or emotionless. I’m still full of love, but I’m not going to look for it or think about it for myself much.
When you don’t know where a relationship is going or where it’s not going whatever, I suggest going to the person to ask a question or a few and you probably should say what’s on your mind about it. If that still leaves you wondering, not 100% sure of where to go, then you just leave it up to God or whoever or whatever you believe in. You just turn and focus on your energy, health and other relationships. You go out and live life happily because as you do that your vibrations rise, that’s when the universe starts to align you with things on the same level as you. All the things you wish for start falling in place because you’re not sticking onto one set thing holding back other things.
Practice non-attachment, accept what comes and allow it to leave when it’s time. Observe the things around you, but don’t absorb. Listen to music that you relate to and cry about it, talk about it and let it out if you have to but don’t hold it in and hold onto it. Be more open and loving but don’t get walked over either, communicate and stop being petty. Relationships will hopefully seem easier and less draining. Don’t close yourself off from love, it really is a beautiful thing when it works and people really know how to love.