Introducing The Next Generation Of Leaders And Thinkers

The Power of Journalism: ‘The Scoop’ Interns Express Passion for Writing

Many teenagers today join organizations to meet people with the same interests: sports, arts, or music. Despite the popular assemblies, some teens are enthralled with writing and the power of words. They believe that they could change the world by reporting issues in the news.

In the island of Guam, The Scoop is an organization that consists of teen reporters who are interns for the Guam Daily Post. Ranging from entertaining to serious topics, the organization attempts to depict news that are informative and appealing to the teens.

The Guam Daily Post’s Scoop Interns

A Vehicle for Stories

Kailea Wiese, a senior in Saint John’s School, initially got into writing because she was fond of constructing arguments and debates. According to her, journalism is objectively reporting and relaying information through the medium of an article.

“I love it when you’re writing and you find the perfect word immediately to get your message across,” she said.

Contemplating on her greatest strength as a journalist, she reveals that it is her affinity for interviews. Wiese thinks that she is an active listener who revels in talking to people and seeing their stories unfold the longer you talk to them.

As an editor, she thinks that the main secret behind getting to where she is right now is being willing to constantly improve and to never be satisfied. According to her, you have to be a clear communicator, an efficient writer and overall a multi-tasker. “I think that one thing I struggle with is not having enough time to write as much as I’d like to due to other extracurricular activities and my workload. However, I think that the sheer feeling of satisfaction when you see your article on the newspaper is what I find most enjoyable.”

Despite the advantages of journalism, Wiese thinks that one downside of journalism is the constant news cycle that comes in with news and new information. The people sometimes forget to take a moment and thoroughly analyze the events and implications of what is happening.

“I think that the phrase “voice of your generation” seems very daunting and substantial. But I think that being a voice in general is about using journalism as a platform to elevate people’s voices and to embrace diversity. I am not a voice, but merely a vehicle for the stories, experiences, and joie de vivre of others to be told.”

A Childhood Passion for Writing

Vicente Blas Taijeron, a junior in Saint John’s School, expresses how writing has been a passion of his since childhood, primarily, because it allows him to express his emotions.

“Writing allows one to express their feelings on paper and alleviate the pain held within, and not only the pain but the joy and exclamation life as well. This is why I love the power of writing because it’s an infinite world in which one can express anything in their mind,” he said.

According to Taijeron, journalism to him is passion and commitment to making each and every individual informed in whatever the matter may be. From the latest fashion trends to pressing issues, journalism encompasses each and every topic and allows the reader to grasp it.

“I believe my strength as a journalist comes from my willingness to get to know others. As a journalist, one must get to know and interview a diverse field of people. Fortunately, I’ve developed a mindset that allows me to be comfortable around people I’ve met for the first time.”

On a day-to-day basis, Taijeron reveals that the skills required in being a journalist are simple. Just as long as you have a passion to write quality articles, be creative and innovative with fresh concepts, and to not be afraid to interact with people, you are a step ahead in the journalism field.

Despite Taijeron’s struggle between balancing academics, writing and his other extracurricular activities, he finds the great camaraderie within The Scoop to be the most enjoyable, telling us, “The Scoop allows me to not only satisfy my love of writing but to also have fun with other passionate writers.”

When you realize the power of words you can write and express your internal being so much more. Once this is accomplished then you can become a voice of your generation.

Photo: The Guam Daily Post Staff

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