What is love? It’s the question I was asked not too long ago. But to me love, Valentines day, and Romance, is not my thing. People think so, but it’s not because I have an amazing reputation with guys. I don’t actually, the closest I’ve gotten to a guy is my friend. He’s awesome. But, not my point. My thoughts on Valentine’s day is that it’s an irrelevant holiday, I mean why are we even celebrating. It’s just a story about a guy who fell in love with some girl. Oh, St. Valentin you messed up everything for every single person on this earth.
Now don’t get me wrong Valentine’s day does have it’s perks. I get to stay up as long as I want because my parents aren’t home. But that also means I get to sulk on a whole day revolved around love. Love the big word in today’s society. It gets thrown around so much, it actually irritates me. I’m not a cynical person it’s just that I’ve never done anything that could make this holiday amazing. I mean the best thing I did today was listen to a love song, about a guy ranting over a girl he doesn’t even know. I mean yes I do sound messed up but it’s just not a day of happiness and love for me. I find it interesting how this word love is perceived to the many. But, of course to me it’s just another word in the English vocabulary. Of course many scientists believe it’s a hormone (Oxycontin) but it is just a word people, you can see it in many shapes and forms. It can also be a form of manipulation, you know so people buy the candy and roses.
Companies make bank with this day no wonder we celebrate. Just a little more money to keep society poor and upper class men rich. Love to me is an undying passion. A hope, or a light at the end of the tunnel. I honestly believe our human race is lacking this love. It’s sad you can’t buy love on TV. But that’s what makes love so interesting, you have to strive for it find it in something you do, someone, anything. Hey, if there’s hope then I’m willingly taking this chance. I know one part of a person’s lifetime they will fall in love. I think it’s nature’s fact. Love can be found in lust. Yeah I know ironic. I feel that what love is, a leap of hope and opportunity and of course irony. Love is something you can see in someone’s eyes when they look at the special person the way that the person acts, carefree and flowy because when you’re with the one you love, you can be anything, you can be an astronaut fly away in space together. It’s actually kinda cute. I am an optimist when it comes to love because I know when it’s there, there’s a world of joy and happiness. I think if you show love more than just saying it then yes you are truly, righteously in love. Because showing is a whole other story than just saying it. It might not be what everybody has dreamed of but in anyway love is in anybody and in anything. Yes, I know I’m going to back and forth but love is love. I do believe in these specific reasons of this question that everyone asks. What is love?