We are all born without choice, yet in our lives we make the most crucial decisions. One of those decisions would be whether we are able to accept ourselves as we truly are, or self deprecate as a form of humor to cushion the blow. Although this would not seem like a critical decision, it is; whether you are able to love yourself or not determines a lot of things in your life. If you are unable to love yourself, how are you able to be with someone else? Opportunities are always opening up, yet people often second guess themselves or question their ability and worth. Which results in missed opportunities.
Our minds are valuable and hold many memories among lessons and names we will never forget; part of your brain determines your personality as well. The body is not the only thing noticeable about a person, never judge someone simply by what you see. Our minds are all composed of different things and alter the way we all think in such diverse ways to do great things. Who you are is what you should love, inside and out! No matter what anyone has ever told you about who you are, as long as you are able to love yourself and be accepting of others for who they are; there should be no big complications. To love your body, you need to create a good set.
Sadly, it is not always as easy as simply waking up and loving yourself as if it just happened over night.
It can be a dreary process of change or struggling through personal issues, that people can accept. You do not have to hide who you are and all of your beauty because someone might have said something that threw you off. Take your time, learn about yourself for all you were meant to be.
Every body is beautiful, fat should not be a commonly used name people use to pick on others. Anyone who wears makeup should not be told they should not, or even so, that they should. Underneath it all, we are human and no color or size should determine whether we hate ourselves. Embrace your body and your beauty.
It is beyond important to love yourself, your mind, your body. In today’s society there are certain body types that are modeled as “ideal”, which is complete shit honestly. Every single person is different, some people are bigger and some are skinnier; but neither one is ugly. Love yourself for your beautiful shape and size, mesmerizing color of your skin, your amazing features, your mind, who you are all in all!