Exams are here, and I personally know what it is like to deal with the stress of tests along with generalized and social anxiety. Major stress from school accompanying anxiety can lead many students to feel too stressed, and that can cause less motivation and productivity. Exam season is hard for folks with anxiety like myself, but I have some suggestions that help and maybe they can help you too.
- Leave time in your schedule for yourself. We all need some alone time, but in moments of an abundance of stress, alone time is more valuable. Make a schedule and stick to it, and leave room for 30 to 60 minutes of alone time to just enjoy yourself every day. Leave this time to browse social media, make art, or any other activities you enjoy doing.
- Meditate. Practicing meditation can improve mindfulness and decrease stress. Meditation is one of my favorite ways of coping with stress; although, it does take practice. Learning to manage stress becomes easier while practicing mindfulness because you can take your mind off of your stressors for a period of time. Taking time to relax and get your mind off of things can significantly improve your stress and test anxiety.
- Get a good night’s sleep. Sleep is an important factor in determining stress. Sleep deprivation can cause more stress in students, so make time for homework and studies, and then make time for a full nine hours of sleep per night. Chronic sleep deprivation can severely increase stress and make stressors seem more unmanageable for young students, so time management is important in maintaining a healthy sleep schedule.
- Remember that your exams do not define or measure your intelligence. Studying for multiple exams and receiving a few lower scores than you anticipated while stressed can make one feel unintelligent. Your exam scores do not define how smart you are, and they do not measure your intelligence. Yes, we all strive for perfect scores, but that is nearly impossible and as long as you are trying your best that is all that matters. You will not be denied from a university because you got one low score on a final, remember this.
- Talk to your friends. Make room for social activities in your schedule, because most likely your friends could be going through the same things, and even if they are not they will probably be empathetic to your struggles. Making time for friendly meet-ups or hangouts can significantly decrease stress levels in young students when their friends are experiencing the same problems.
These are some of the ways I cope with finals and exam stress along with anxiety. I hope that some of these tips help you all who are experiencing similar issues, and remember: summer is almost here!